Fermented yellow Maize Gruel also called Ogi or Pap is a popular gruel ( thinner version of a porridge) consumed in Nigeria.
The amount of calories in 100g of Fermented yellow Maize Porridge or Ogi is 40.98kcal.
Average portion size of Ogi or Pap consumed in the South West of Nigeria is 526.4g (Sanusi and Olurin, 2012).
Nutritional Info Per 100g
Energy | 40.98 | kcal |
Water | 89.78 | g |
Protein | 0.77 | g |
Fat | 0.08 | g |
Carbohydrate | 9.06 | g |
Total Dietary Fibre | 0.5 | g |
Calcium | 3.29 | mg |
Iron | 0.1 | mg |
Magnesium | 4.2 | mg |
Phosphorus | 10 | mg |
Potassium | 7.59 | mg |
Sodium | 0.61 | mg |
Zinc | 0.13 | mg |
Copper | 0.36 | mg |
Vitamin A RAE | 1 | mcg |
Beta-Carotene Equivalent | 15 | mcg |
Vitamin D | 0 | mcg |
Vitamin E | 0.01 | mg |
Thiamine | 0.01 | mg |
Riboflavin | 0.004 | mg |
Niacin | 0.1 | mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.01 | mg |
Folate | Trace | mcg |
Vitamin B12 | 0 | mcg |
Vitamin C | 0 | mg |
Source of Data: Nigerian Food Composition Table 2017