I was excited to try the Acha after weeks of trying to purchase it. It is obviously not so common in the markets. I had to go through someone who knew someone who knew where it was being sold. Eventually I got a packaged product which was relatively free of stones and sand.
I quickly put the Acha to test in my pot; I made the typical pudding. It had a nutty flavor and it could pass for prepared oats if the person who is being served is not paying maximum attention to it. The pudding set quickly in my dish and I tried it for myself, bland at first and then with a sprinkle of sugar. It went down well (Smiles).
Since the Acha is commonly used as a complementary food, I put some milk and gave it to my infant. He ate it with relish.

There are quite a few Acha recipes online that one can try out. You can also invent your own recipes. You can improve the nutritional quality of the pudding by adding other ingredients like fruits and nuts. You can also prepare a nice vegetable sauce to go with it for your infant, toddler and the whole family. Whatever you decide to do, do not forget to include Acha in your meals for the family. Put it on your to do list.
Will try it.
I think acha is mostly eaten by people from d northern part of Nigeria.