HomeInfant & Toddler Nutrition

Infant & Toddler Nutrition

Sweet Potato Muffin

This morning, I decided to create a quick breakfast from sweet potato that infants, toddlers and even adults can enjoy. I decided to make...

Designing a Practical Meal Timetable for Your Infant and Toddler

Designing a meal timetable for your children that is practical makes life easier for a mother or caregiver in the long run. It does...

Acha Pottage with Mixed Vegetables

Including Acha in the meals for my toddlers was almost a smash. I wrote ‘almost’ because my older tolerates it while the younger loves...

Amala and Ewedu for Your Infant

  Amala (Yam flour stiff porridge) with Ewedu (Jute mallow soup) and fish is a great Nigerian meal for your infant. When Amala is made from...

Feeding our Infant from 6 Months: Texture of Food

  In my past posts, I have covered the types of food your infant should eat, factors that can affect variety in meals, the portion...

Feeding Your Infant from 6 months: Portion Size and Frequency of Meals

Many of us of can gauge what we eat by eyeballing a plate of food. Experienced mothers or caregivers also do the same for...

Feeding Your Infant from 6 Months: Food Demonstration on Food Variety

  I have talked about food variety and some factors that affect mothers in Nigeria from creating or serving a variety of meals to their...

Factors That Affect Food Variety in Your Infant’s Meals

My last post  was about diversifying your baby’s meals. Serving a variety of foods to your infant ensures that your baby is getting good...

Feeding Your Infant From 6 Months: Food Variety

  Your child’s health and nutrition is dependent on the appropriate feeding she receives from you, the care you show, your ability to create a...

Typical Acha Pudding

  I was excited to try the Acha after weeks of trying to purchase it. It is obviously not so common in the markets. I...
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A Must Try Recipe