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Everyday Nutrition

Ewedu and Efinrin Soup

Recently, I consciously increased the amount of leafy vegetables consumed in my household. One of the vegetables I focused on the Ewedu (Jew’s Mallow)....

Why you need to increase your intake of Beans/Legumes?

There are a lot of evidence-based reasons why you need to increase your intake of Legumes. Beans are categorized as part of the food group ‘legumes’....

Harmattan Season: What’s In the Dust and How To Care For Yourself?

The harmattan season is here again. You must have noticed the dry and dusty weather with bursts of cold air in the mornings and nights and...

6 healthy habits/lifestyles I lived by in 2019 that I will focus on in 2020

I have outlined 6 healthy habits/lifestyles that my family and I adopted in 2019. I hope to be more unswerving about them in 2020. From my...

Difference between Pawpaw and Papaya

  In Nigeria (As well as Australia), Papaya is often called pawpaw or papaw. However, pawpaw in some countries of the world is the name...

What Should I Eat Every Day?

In one day (breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks), you should eat foods from the following food groups: Whole Grains, Roots And Tubers Under this category, we...

What Should I eat?

A lot of people ask me this question, “what should I eat?” Interestingly, while a lot of people are concerned about their health and...

Note To Self: Reduce Screen Time For Better Quality Of Sleep

“Reduce Screen time for better quality of sleep”. This is my current note to self and I thought to share this with you. I...

The Reference Diet: New Global Diet to Save Ourselves and the Earth

On the 16th of January, the Lancet, which is a highly-regarded medical journal,  came up with some universal suggestions for us to eat healthy...

How to Create a Healthy lifestyle without Thinking too much about it

Do you want to create a healthy lifestyle without thinking too much about it? I bet you do. Being healthy is a desirable goal...
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A Must Try Recipe