

10 known crops that are collected from the Wild (uncultivated) in Nigeria

There are a lot of crops in Nigeria that are uncultivated and are harvested from the wild that would remain unpopular. Many of these...

4 Ways to Modulate (Alter) the Microbes in your Gut

I have been reading a lot on microbes and how it affects our lives. Microbes are microorganisms found all around us. Our entire body...

What Is The Best Way To Eat Your Groundnuts?

Groundnuts have been in season in Nigeria for a while. You will find heaps of raw unshelled groundnuts being sold in large basins in...

What is Semolina made from? Is it Nutritious?

Semolina is a product that has come to stay in Nigeria. It has become a popular stiff porridge or ‘swallow’ and it is popularly...

Dad’s Nutrition and Health Can Affect Health of Baby Too

It is well known that the health of a mother before conception and during pregnancy affects the health outcome of the baby. A mother...

4 Ways Your Foods and Drinks Affect How You Feel

Do you have a big meeting to attend? Are you going to make a presentation or do you need to keep alert during that...
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A Must Try Recipe