Pan-fried Wara Sandwich

This is the last of my Wara chronicles for now. Just before the last batch of my Wara finished (I had them frozen), I decided to make a sandwich with Wara – the local cheese. I had some help from my brother Segun who is a food enthusiast, food designer and a food business owner. He helped with the sauteing of the vegetables and pan-frying the beef used for the sandwich.

This was a simple sandwich. I used the burger bun with sesame seeds sprinkled on top. The other ingredients used were orange sweet pepper, carrots, green chili, fresh beef,  seasonings and the pan-fried Wara.

I loved the juiciness of the pan-fried beef as well as the peppers and carrot.  It tasted so great.

A lot of people have asked where they can get Wara in Lagos. The truth is that there are places that you can get them but no one trusts (in terms of food safety) these places so I would not even suggest it. So why am I using Wara if it is not readily available? A lot of our traditional foods have gone under the radar and they are disappearing forever. We have been replacing our foods with foods from other cultures and we need to hold on to what we have because we really do have many healthy foods, we just need to know them, demand for them so that they can be produced on a larger scale and that it can meet the needs of our families and societies.

So, I have used Wara in a couple of ways; adding diversity to my own meals, you should try to diversify your meals too.

Please share my posts if they make sense to you.


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