3 Nutrition and Lifestyle Decisions that You can Make in 2018


If there is a great time to make life altering decisions, it is at the beginning of a new year. This is when you might be feeling refreshed from the holiday glow and you have the strength to take on the world. However, many people will agree with me that you can start at any time you want.

So, here are just 3 nutrition and lifestyle decisions that you can make in 2018. These changes are like ‘foundation’ changes; once you make them and stick with them, many other things will change for you.

  1. Change Your Mindset About Your Health And Nutrition

If you want a change anything in your life, the first place to start making effort is your mind. Once you conquer your mind the rest is easier. You know your health is very important to your performance in whatever you are engaged in. You also know that you need to be healthy to enjoy your life and family. Therefore, see your health as a priority, truly understand that it is a priority and act like it is a priority.

If you are not feeling your health ‘mindshift’, fake it until it becomes so true.

  1. Decide To Eat Healthy At The Office Or At Meetings

Many times, you might be able to control what kind of foods or what you eat at home. However, when at the office, you may not have control over the types of foods served in your office cafeteria or canteen, restaurants nearby, or at meetings.

If you decide to eat better, this means that you are more mindful of what you eat wherever you are. Look out for the best options out of everything you have been offered and avoid those that will create more harm to you than good. For example, always look out for fruits and vegetables and get some on your plate. Also, avoiding restaurants that serve really salty foods is a great idea too.

 If there are no healthy options, this might be the time to advocate for it. Speak to those in charge of these foods and get them to lend their voices too (especially at your office such that everybody benefits). If it’s a place you can do nothing about, avoid such restaurants and go for the ones that sell healthier food.

  1. Decide To Move More Around The Office Environment

One of the great decisions that you can make is to move more. Physical activity is so important to your health and performance. Find ways to incorporate physical activity into your day. Refuse to sit for hours. Just get up and move every 1 hour at least. Get a pedometer if you must to know your activity level. See my other posts about the importance of physical activity.

You can also get others to partner with you on moving more. Just don’t waste your time in the process because your employer is paying you for a reason.


In a nutshell, we make decisions every day and making these 3 decisions is a great step in the right direction. Your life is valuable and for that reason, you need to take care of yourself. Try them and let me know how they have impacted your life at the end of the year.

My goal remains to inspire you to eat better and live better.


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