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Iron rich foods

How to Use your Diet to Enhance Iron Absorption and Reduce Anaemia

If you are looking for how to use your diet to enhance iron absorption and address anaemia, this article is for you. Iron is...

First foods for Infants

Today I am sharing my thoughts about First foods for infants. My Son, Opemipo, is 6 months and I have been excited about introducing him...

Anaemia: How It Affects Women and Children in Nigeria

Currently, there are 613 million women (15 -49yrs) in the world who are anaemic. 578 million of them are not pregnant and about 35.5...

Is Red Meat Bad or Good For You?

Over time, there have been recommendations to reduce intake of red meat and go for white meat. Red meats are meats of animals such as...

7 Uncommon Food Sources of Iron in Nigeria

  Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency all over the world and it can be caused by inadequate intake of iron, idiopathic malabsorption, heavy...

9 Iron-Rich Foods for Infants and Toddlers in Nigeria

Iron is an important mineral for everyone – infants, toddlers, teenagers and adults especially women of reproductive age. This is because it has the...
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A Must Try Recipe