In health care, professionals play an important role in ensuring that you receive quality of care. This is the same with any field or area of specialization in the world. When we try to manage cost by dealing with quacks or people who are not trained for the purpose we need to achieve, we would end up spending more. Do not compromise on Quality.

If you have ever been involved in a failed building project or read about one that collapsed, the inquires usually lead to compromising of skilled professionals with cheaper labour and using inferior building materials and so on. I once passed by an area where building projects were ongoing and the person with me pointed to a building and said “see that building? The labourers were obviously not skilled. The work is very flawed.” Have you ever rented a new apartment where you find that that you would have to replace the sockets, lights, get a carpenter to change the kitchen cabinets because they were badly done? All that must have increased your cost which excludes the cost of rent.

PATH/Yeside Pikuda

Money is very important in health care. That health care is very expensive, is not a new fact.  However, you will find that when you invest in quality care you will actually save more in the long run.  If you would rather hire professionals to build your own house, why will you get quacks to care for your health?

Professionals in the health care system are many. We have doctors in specialized fields; we have physiotherapists, radiologists, microbiologists, dermatologists, nutritionists/dietitians, psychologists, nurses and so on. These are professionals who have invested their lifelong education in developing particular skill set(s) and have the experience in practice to back it up. In developed worlds, these professionals work in synergy with one another such that their health care system is effective and efficient. You cannot get efficiency and effectiveness when a medical doctor is physician /community worker/nutritionist / physical therapist and so on.

The health care system should be such that the doctor should be your last call. This can only happen when you as the recipient of health care focus on achieving optimum health status. In preventive health, Nutrition is at the top of the list and has been described as foundation for human development.

A nutritionist or dietitian has the appropriate skill set and experience to help you achieve adequate nutrition and also nutritional management of some illnesses that can arise. A person who has simply ‘mastered’ the art of weight loss is not a nutritionist, someone who preaches keto diet is not a nutritionist, a doctor is not a nutritionist, a food blogger or chef is not a nutritionist. They only become one when they have the required education. Would you go to a medical doctor who does not have his MBBS for treatment? Or buy an uncertified drug?

There is a nutrition society of Nigeria that nutrition professionals belong to. You can start from there to see if the person who provides you with nutrition information belongs under this umbrella. Ask about their education. A 3 week-certificate course does not make one a nutritionist. Be guided accordingly and put your money where it will give you the best and most sustainable result.

Work with a professional or pay the price.

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