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infant nutrition

6 Reasons Your Infants May Not be Getting Enough Nutrients

Did you know that only about 10% of Nigerian children are fed according to the recommended infant and young child feeding practices? Did you...

Ground Brown Rice and Periwinkles 

Are you looking to cook something different for your infant? You can try this: Ground Brown Rice and Periwinkles. I bought ground brown rice at...

Designing a Practical Meal Timetable for Your Infant and Toddler

Designing a meal timetable for your children that is practical makes life easier for a mother or caregiver in the long run. It does...

Feeding Your Infant from 6 months: Portion Size and Frequency of Meals

Many of us of can gauge what we eat by eyeballing a plate of food. Experienced mothers or caregivers also do the same for...

Factors That Affect Food Variety in Your Infant’s Meals

My last post  was about diversifying your baby’s meals. Serving a variety of foods to your infant ensures that your baby is getting good...
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A Must Try Recipe