Nigerians and Food #gtbankfooddrink

The first day of the Guaranty Trust Bank food and drink fair was super exciting. The crowd was massive and it shows that Nigerians are passionate about their foods and drinks. What is not to love? We have a strong cultural food heritage and young entrepreneurs and business owners are doing so much to re-invent these foods as well as create new ones. Some are making effort to dish out foods, food products and drinks that are delicious and healthy while others are just in the business to serenade tongues and tantalize stomachs.

The farmers’ market had an interesting array of fresh foods from different farms as well as food products. You could even buy produce to plant at home. I got some lemon grass for planting and fresh sweet corn to bless my grill. Along with the display of farm produce and products, there were lots of grills and such going on outside the event. On the inside, there were foods and drinks of all kinds, there was live music and a lot of buying and selling.




As mentioned earlier, the turnout was incredible. The traffic, vehicular and human, was epic but I was able to take some snap shots of the event. On the second day, I will be attending just one of the master classes and I will share with you what the celebrated Chef Raphael Duntoye dished out.

These are just a few snapshots, I certainly hope that day 2 would be a more exciting day. Fingers crossed.

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